Dean of Students

Dean of Students

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Contact Us

Email is the preferred method of communication. However, phone calls, and office visits are welcome.

O: 803-793-5154

C: 803-378-4674

Office Location

Denmark Technical College
1126 Solomon Blatt Blvd.
Denmark, SC 29042

In Person Visits

Building 29
Office 111

Non-Academic Co-Curricular Programming

Non-academic co-curricular programming is defined as activities not being a part of the formal academic co-curricular activities. However, these activities can work together with the more formal academic curriculum to offer students enhanced learning benefits they may not have experienced.


  • Money Management
  • Domestic Violence Awareness
  • Title IX Workshop
  • Sexual Assault Prevention
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Sex Talk: Let’s Talk About It
  • March Madness: Relationships,
  • Substance Abuse, Life Skills and more


Enrollment Building 29 Office 111

The Dean of Students office is open However, if you like to make an appointment, you can do so by emailing

First year student parking is handled by campus safety. Please visit our handbook for more information.

If you are concerned about a student, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (803) 793-5154 or (803) 378-4674. If there is an emergency, call 911. 

Yes, the Office of the Dean of Students does excuse absences for illness, death in family, etc. Students should review their course syllabus to obtain a clear understanding of attendance and tardiness polices for each course as outlined from their professors

DTC offers mental health counseling at no cost to students. Please fill out this form to make an appointment. 

Students are encouraged to reach out to their professors or the Office of Career, Planning, Placement and Student Success Mrs. Holman-Brooks at (803) 793-5287 or

All students should contact the Division of Academic Affairs at (803) 793-5109 or (803) 793-5183.

All students who need support should contact Student Health Services Ms. Walker at (803) 793-5261/(803) 793-5224 or

All residence halls issues are handled by the Dean of Students and Residence Life at (803) 793-5154 or

Within five (5) instructional days of the preliminary investigation, the Dean of Students or designee, will send an approved method of notification to the student. This notification will confirm the date of the investigation, identify the specific regulation(s) that the student allegedly

violated, identify the decision, summarize the rationale, and, if the student violated the regulation(s), state the sanction that was imposed. This notification must also state that if the student disagrees with the decision or the sanction, the student may request a hearing before

the Hearing Committee, that the student must submit this request no later than five (5) instructional days after receiving the decision unless a request is made and approved by the Dean of Students or designee, for an extension, and that any decision made, and sanction imposed after the preliminary investigation may be held in abeyance should the student decide to go before the Hearing Committee.


The Student Code for South Carolina Technical College System sets forth the rights and responsibilities of the individual student, identifies behaviors that are not consistent with the values of college communities, and describes the procedures that will be followed to adjudicate cases of alleged misconduct, except cases of alleged acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment. Cases of alleged acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment will be adjudicated through SBTCE procedure 3-2-106.2 or SBTCE procedure 8-5-101.1. This Code applies to behavior on college property, at college-sponsored activities and events, and to off-campus behavior that adversely affects the college and/or the college community. The Code applies to all “students”.


Technical/community college students are members of both the community and the academic community. As members of the academic community, students are subject to the obligations that accrue to them by virtue of this membership.

As members of a larger community, students are entitled to all rights and protections accorded them by the laws of that community, the enforcement of which is the responsibility of duly constituted authorities. If a student’s alleged behavior simultaneously violates college regulations and the law, the college may take disciplinary action independent of that taken by legal authorities.

When it has been determined that a student violated a federal, state, or local law, college disciplinary action may be initiated only when the presence of the student on campus will disrupt the educational process of the college.

When a student’s alleged violation of the law, whether occurring on campus or off campus, may adversely affect the college’s pursuit of its educational objectives or activities, the college may enforce its own regulations through this Student Code.

The college will first seek to solve problems through internal review procedures. When necessary, off-campus law enforcement and judicial authorities may be involved.

In situations where South Carolina Technical/Community Colleges have shared programs, the Chief Student Services Officer where the alleged violation of the Student Code for the South Carolina Technical College System occurred will handle the charges. A change of venue to the other college may be granted, based on the nature of the offense, provided it is agreed to by the

Chief Student Services Officers of both colleges. Any sanctions imposed will apply across both colleges.

In situations where a student is dually enrolled in two or more South Carolina Technical/Community Colleges and is charged with a violation of the Student Code for the South Carolina Technical College System, the Chief Student Services Officer of the college where the alleged infraction occurred will handle the charges and the sanctions may apply at each college in which the student is enrolled.

Student Grievance, Code of Conduct, and Sactioning Process

Within five (5) instructional days of the preliminary investigation, the Dean of Students or designee, will send an approved method of notification to the student. This notification will confirm the date of the investigation, identify the specific regulation(s) that the student allegedly

violated, identify the decision, summarize the rationale, and, if the student violated the regulation(s), state the sanction that was imposed. This notification must also state that if the student disagrees with the decision or the sanction, the student may request a hearing before

the Hearing Committee, that the student must submit this request no later than five (5) instructional days after receiving the decision unless a request is made and approved by the Dean of Students or designee, for an extension, and that any decision made, and sanction imposed after the preliminary investigation may be held in abeyance should the student decide to go before the Hearing Committee.


The Student Code for South Carolina Technical College System sets forth the rights and responsibilities of the individual student, identifies behaviors that are not consistent with the values of college communities, and describes the procedures that will be followed to adjudicate cases of alleged misconduct, except cases of alleged acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment. Cases of alleged acts of sexual violence and sexual harassment will be adjudicated through SBTCE procedure 3-2-106.2 or SBTCE procedure 8-5-101.1. This Code applies to behavior on college property, at college-sponsored activities and events, and to off-campus behavior that adversely affects the college and/or the college community. The Code applies to all “students”.


Technical/community college students are members of both the community and the academic community. As members of the academic community, students are subject to the obligations that accrue to them by virtue of this membership.

As members of a larger community, students are entitled to all rights and protections accorded them by the laws of that community, the enforcement of which is the responsibility of duly constituted authorities. If a student’s alleged behavior simultaneously violates college regulations and the law, the college may take disciplinary action independent of that taken by legal authorities.

When it has been determined that a student violated a federal, state, or local law, college disciplinary action may be initiated only when the presence of the student on campus will disrupt the educational process of the college.

When a student’s alleged violation of the law, whether occurring on campus or off campus, may adversely affect the college’s pursuit of its educational objectives or activities, the college may enforce its own regulations through this Student Code.

The college will first seek to solve problems through internal review procedures. When necessary, off-campus law enforcement and judicial authorities may be involved.

In situations where South Carolina Technical/Community Colleges have shared programs, the Chief Student Services Officer where the alleged violation of the Student Code for the South Carolina Technical College System occurred will handle the charges. A change of venue to the other college may be granted, based on the nature of the offense, provided it is agreed to by the

Chief Student Services Officers of both colleges. Any sanctions imposed will apply across both colleges.

In situations where a student is dually enrolled in two or more South Carolina Technical/Community Colleges and is charged with a violation of the Student Code for the South Carolina Technical College System, the Chief Student Services Officer of the college where the alleged infraction occurred will handle the charges and the sanctions may apply at each college in which the student is enrolled.


The mission of the Office of Dean of Students is to educate students regarding the College’s expectation of behavior, to protect student’s rights and to ensure fairness and due process that assist all students in being engaged and successful member of the Denmark Technical College community.


The dean of students will recognize standards of excellence in the delivery of student’s expectations and to foster welcoming environment in an inclusive, safe, and conducive learning.