Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Department of Education
Fiscal Year: October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015
Title III Part B: Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Title III Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA) Award
Department of Energy
Fiscal Year: September 1, 2014 – October 30, 2015
Environmental Management
National Science Foundation
Fiscal Year: July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Creating a pathway for minorities in STEM programs
Title III Part B: Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities
This program provides financial assistance to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) to establish or strengthen their physical plants, financial management, academic resources, and endowment-building capacity. Funds may be used for the purchase, rental, or lease of scientific or laboratory equipment. Also supported are the construction, maintenance, renovation, and improvement of instruction facilities. Funds support faculty exchanges and the development of academic instruction in disciplines in which black Americans are underrepresented. Projects may support the purchase of library materials as well as tutoring, counseling, and student service programs. Also supported are: funds and administrative management; joint use of facilities; establishment or improvement of development offices; establishment or enhancement of programs of teacher education; establishment of outreach programs; and other activities that a grantee proposes in its application that contributes to carrying out the purposes of the program and are approved by the Secretary as part of the review and acceptance of the grant application.
Denmark Technical College has 5 activities and Project Administration which include the following:
Enrollment and Student Support Services
The Enrollment Management and Student Support Services activity will be a community outreach initiative, whose main goal is to build partnerships with high schools in the College’s tri-county service area-Allendale, Bamberg, and Barnwell. The partnership will provide an opportunity for the College to build the capacity of its Dual Enrollment Program by increasing the number of high school students who enroll in courses that are credited on both secondary and postsecondary levels.
Institutional Research and Planning
The purpose of the Institutional Research Activity is to strengthen the College’s institutional management by developing systems for institutional research and data analysis. This activity builds capacity on the successful completion of the administrative database collections and reporting strategies.
Business and Finance
The Business and Finance Activity will assist the College’s Business Office with facilitating and managing the financial systems of the institution to provide an accurate accounting of financial resources. The Business and Finance Activity will build capacity through training, expansion, improvement of office staff functions, and improvement of policies and procedures.
Quality and Curriculum Enhancement
The purpose of the Quality and Curriculum Enhancement Activity is to enhance academic quality by assisting faculty in exploring and developing new pedagogic models for learning using electronic support and learning-centered approaches.
Academic Support Center (Systematic Teaching and Retention)
The purpose of the Academic Support Center (Systematic Teaching and Retention) is to enhance academic quality by providing quality education and experiences to underprepared students to enable them to move into an academic major for educational attainment and workforce readiness. The College implemented this project as the Quality Enhancement Plan for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and has made progress in preparing underrepresented students for a seamless transition into associate degree programs.
Title III Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act (SAFRA)
The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2009 (SAFRA) is legislation implementing President Obama’s American Graduation Initiative.
The bill established a College Access and Completion Fund, the purposes of which are to 1) to promote innovation in postsecondary education practices and policies by institutions of higher education, States, and nonprofit organizations to improve student success, completion, and post-completion employment, particularly for students from groups that are underrepresented in postsecondary education; and 2) to assist States in developing longitudinal data systems, common metrics, and reporting systems to enhance the quality and availability of information about student success, completion, and post-completion employment.
Denmark Technical College has 3 activities and Project Administration under this new grant allocation:
Licensed Practical Nursing
DTC’s Practical Nursing Program is approved by the South Carolina Board of Nursing. The LPN Program administrator and faculty, with the support of the administrative assistant, are responsible for the development and implementation of the program curriculum in order to retain and graduate students. The goal of the Practical Nursing program is to ensure students pass the National Council Licensure Examination for practical nurses (NCLEX-PN) for employability as a Licensed Practical Nurse.
Student Support Services
The activity will accomplish the College’s strategic initiatives to provide quality customer service, implement sustainable practices to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity; and implement technologies to enhance student learning and support programs by providing additional support services which aim to increase student retention and completion rates and decrease student default rates. The College plans to increase its retention, completion, and placement rates by providing programs and learning activities that increase knowledge, and workforce readiness skills.
Business and Finance
The Business and Finance –Fiscal Sustainability Activity will assist the College in accomplishing the College’s strategic initiative to implements sustainable practices to increase effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity by providing opportunities for strategic, evaluation, and auditing plans that will assist with strengthening and sustaining the fiscal affairs of the institution. Since the institution’s Fiscal Affairs Office manages all the finances which have a major impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of the College’s infrastructure, it is imperative that the institution provides the Fiscal Affairs Office with resources and services needed to increase its effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity.
Department of Energy- Environmental Management
Title: Creating pathways and awareness in STEM and STEM-related fields through education and skilled training.
Summary: This project supports several activities to enhance STEM education for the students we serve. A list of activities is below:
Internships: students in STEM and STEM-related fields will participate in internships with local businesses and industry and on campus to incorporate real-world experience with their academic learning.
Scholarships: students in STEM and STEM-related fields may be eligible for scholarships to assist with the costs of their academic programs.
Curriculum Development: Welding and Building Construction Technology programs will participate in curriculum development to include NCCER certification into the current curriculum.
Professional Development: Training will be provided for instructors who teach Project Lead the Way and NCCER courses. Staff will also attend two conferences on STEM education.
Summer STEM Education Programs: Three summer programs will be offered in Summer 2013 and Summer 2014 in the area of Robotics, Science, and Math. Additional tutoring services will be provided in Math for students in high school and college during the academic year.
Partnership Development: The College will provide hands-on training through the Mobile Training Unit for instructors at the surrounding colleges.
National Science Foundation – Advanced Technology Education
The program will serve at least 127 minority high school juniors and seniors by 2015. The program will primarily focus on engineering, technology, and mathematic disciplines. The program will provide Technology Gateway and Project Lead the Way, mentorship, career readiness training, internships and enrichment activities for participants. The program aims to provide a pathway for minority high school juniors and seniors who plan to pursue an associate degree in a STEM discipline. The program will provide Technology Gateway and Project Lead the Way programs as a pathway that will prepare participants for an associate degree and/or bachelor’s degree in a STEM discipline which will subsequently increase their opportunity to obtain employment in a STEM or STEM-related field. The programs will accomplish the following intellectual merit, broader impact and outcomes to accomplish the overall goals of the National Science Foundation’s ATE program.

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As an institution within the South Carolina Technical and Comprehensive Education system, Denmark Technical College is committed to keeping the costs of attending the college to a minimum for students.