Career Planning

Career Planning

Career Planning

Optimum placement of the student in employment or higher education is the prime objective of the career-planning process.

Career Planning is a developmental process subsequently leading to a successful job search and placement. As part of the education experience, placement services are available during the entire period of a student academic involvement and after graduation, if needed. Optimum placement of the student in employment or higher education is the prime objective of the career-planning process.

The Career Center offers self-awareness development which involves sharing of information and examination of values, interests, and aptitudes as these relate to career planning.

The Center provides assistance with career exploration through in-depth investigation of selected careers. Decision-making involves clarifying goals, processing information, projecting for the future, and arriving at sound vocational decisions. Career planning and placement includes examination of education and training, job-seeking skills, and lifework planning. Portfolios are facilitated and available to be forwarded to prospective employers. Students are provided an opportunity to evaluate their career choices through the services provided in the Career Center.

Career Planning and Placement Services

Career  Guidance and CounselingExpungement Awareness SessionRe-Brand Your Social Media Image
College Central Network AccessIndividual/Group Career CounselingTransfer Advising Day
College Exploration Research WorkshopInternship/Co-Op Research WorkshopsSoft Skills/Hard Skills Workshop
Employer Expectations WorkshopMock Interview Sessions 
Effective Job Search/Interview StrategiesProgram Major Assessment 

Contact Person:
Mrs. Holman-Brooks CDF, MA, M.Ed.
Director of Career Planning and Placement

Mailing Address:
Denmark Technical College
P.O. Box 327
Denmark South Carolina, 29042
Office: (803) 793-5287 Â