Denmark Technical College will accept and give credit for work completed at other accredited colleges and universities.
Applicants seeking such credits should complete the regular application form and request an official transcript of work from all colleges previously attended. If fewer than 15 hours have been earned on the collegiate level, a completed high school transcript may be requested for specific programs.
How Do Transfer Students Apply?
1. Submit an application for admissions
2. Provide official transcripts from all previously attended institutions from which they are seeking transfer credit. Mail college and/or high school transcripts to: Enrollment Services at Denmark Technical College, P. O. Box 327, Denmark, SC 29042.
3. Apply for financial aid online at
Please note: The submission of fraudulent records or information constitutes grounds for denial of admissions or dismissal from the college.
Transient Students
If you are enrolled at a college other than Denmark Tech and you would like to take classes at Denmark Tech in order to transfer them back to your “home” college, you are considered a Transient student. Transient students are responsible for tuition and fees.
You must complete a Transient Form of the courses you wish to take at Denmark Tech for transfer back to your college. The form must be signed by the dean and/or registrar at your home college. Student Records will automatically sent your grade to your home college/university upon completion of the course(s) and all fees and tuition have been paid.

Next Steps
As an institution within the South Carolina Technical and Comprehensive Education system, Denmark Technical College is committed to keeping the costs of attending the college to a minimum for students.