Mission, Vision, Values, Role and Scope

Mission, Vision, Values, Role and Scope

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Denmark Technical College engages, educates, and empowers students to impact the industry by identifying transformative solutions to complex issues in South Carolina, the nation, and the world.

 Approved on March 4, 2021 by the SC CHE Commission

Vision Statement

To be an exemplary historically black college, providing premier technical education that exceeds industry standards.


Denmark Technical College will embark upon its mission towards realizing its vision by adhering to the following values:

EXCELLENCE We are dedicated to fostering a culture of excellence in all facets of the College through the highest educational standards for student achievement, excellent and transformative faculty teaching, dedicated service, and co-curricular activities.

LEADERSHIP We will act as role models, inspiring others, encouraging ambition, drive, grit, and perseverance as we work together toward a common goal and vision.

STUDENT CENTERED Students are our top priority, and we are committed to helping them become globally competitive in an enriching, stimulating and supportive environment.

INTEGRITY As an institution, we must ensure that we are consistent in providing professional, reliable, and fair services for our students as well as the community stakeholders.

TRANSPARENCY Ensuring that all are aware of the successes and challenges of the college. SERVICE A commitment between faculty, staff, and students to serving and helping one another.

INNOVATION We will be forward thinking, creative, and proactive in our endeavors to advance Denmark Technical College.

Role and Scope

Denmark Technical College is a public, comprehensive, historically black, two-year technical college located in rural Bamberg County. The College annually serves approximately 500 credit and continuing education students; a mix of traditional, nontraditional, full-time, and part-time. Denmark Technical College is the only technical college in the State of South Carolina with oncampus housing. Denmark Technical College is a member of the South Carolina Technical College System. As such its mission is related to the educational mission of the Technical College System and the State of South Carolina. The College’s primary service area is comprised of Bamberg, Barnwell, and Allendale counties with a legislated mandate to serve students throughout the state. As an open-door institution, the College provides affordable, postsecondary education culminating in associate degrees, diplomas, or certificates, to citizens from diverse educational and socioeconomic backgrounds and conducts outreach to area high schools with opportunities for those students. The College provides workforce training needed by business and industry through collaborative partnerships and resource allocations. 

Denmark Technical College pursues its mission within a student-centered environment based on the fundamental values of a commitment to excellence; fostering a positive learning process, well balanced social and cultural experiences; in an atmosphere of mutual respect, an understanding of and the ability to function in a technologically advance world; and with a realization of the need for a strong work ethic. The college seeks to fulfill its mission by offering programs in engineering technology, welding, building construction, transfer programs, allied health, early care and education, human services, criminal justice, general business, computer, and related technologies. The instructional methods include traditional lectures and lab and distance education for both oncampus and off-campus instructions. The College strives to achieve its mission with a set of clearly defined academic programs, partnership initiatives, and sustainability endeavors such as: 

Senior College/University Transfer Program: Courses directly equivalent to the first two years of traditional college study as offered at senior colleges and major universities which may be transferred to senior colleges.

Technical Education: Curriculums designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed for employment in industry, business, and government.

General Education: Courses to provide the common knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed by each individual to be effective as a worker, a consumer, and a participant in a democratic society.

Continuing Education: Credit and noncredit classes offered with flexibility in time, place, and modality to assist the adults in the region to continue their learning experiences.

Transitional Studies: A program to prepare individuals for admission to the technical and transfer curriculums at the College by helping individuals develop the basic skills necessary to succeed.

Specialized Training Programs: Training coordinated with South Carolina industries through the ReadySC program and provided where specific job opportunities are available for new or expanding industries. Region and Community Services: Specialized services to help meet the cultural and educational needs of the region including cultural events, workshops, meetings, lectures, conferences, seminars, and other special community projects.

Student Development Programs and Services: Programs and services to enrolled and prospective students and alumni to increase their success and enhance their potential for personal, educational, and professional growth. The college increases student access to higher education through recruitment, developmental education, financial services, counseling and career services, and evaluation and support services.

Sustainability Services: A Continuous Improvement Plan to include technology integration, internal control measures for financial health and green technology measures for conservation.

(Approved by the Denmark Technical College Area Commission – November 19, 2020)