Denmark Technical College offers accessible, quality higher educational opportunities to citizens within the service area through off-campus sites and evening college. In an effort to enhance and grow the economic status in the service county areas, DTC is answering the call to the training and educational needs of business and industry and the K-12 educational system. Students may take credit and non-credit courses in a traditional classroom setting. Many college credit courses are offered that lead towards a degree, diploma, or certificate at Denmark Technical College. Training and specialized courses are offered through our Workforce and Continuing Education Division. Admissions, new student advising, placement testing, registration, and financial aid resources are available at the sites.
Denmark Technical College is accredited by SACSCOC. This accreditation covers the Barnwell and Allendale sites. Accreditation of these sites is dependent upon the continued accreditation of the parent campus. Accreditation information can be found here. Â
Denmark Technical College Quick Jobs Development Center
301 Main Street North
Allendale, SC 29810
Barnwell Technology & Educational Center
10370 Ellenton St.
Barnwell, SC 29812

Next Steps
As an institution within the South Carolina Technical and Comprehensive Education system, Denmark Technical College is committed to keeping the costs of attending the college to a minimum for students.