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Office of Communications

SBA holds business education workshop at Denmark Tech


The U.S. Small Business Administration recently held a three-day business education workshop for 25 Denmark Technical College students majoring in business administration, barbering, computer technology and cosmetology who are interested becoming entrepreneurs.

Angela Brewer, a business opportunity specialist with the South Carolina District Office of the U.S. SBA, led the workshop, providing tools and guidance students will need as they take their business ideas from concept to reality.

In this three-part workshop series, students learned the key steps to getting a small business off the ground, the ins and outs of various financing options, the basic requirements for borrowing money and what local resources are available to assist in starting and growing a small business.

“I’m excited to see our partnership with the Small Business Administration flourish. Workshops like these help our students realize that owning a small business is within their reach. The skills they acquire through the SBA, paired with an education from Denmark Technical College, prepare them to build a successful small business in a myriad of fields,” said Dr. Willie L. Todd Jr., president and CEO of Denmark Tech.

Day one of the workshop centered around planning for a healthy business, day two focused on crafting a marketing plan and day three taught the particulars of financial management and funding.

“My experience with the SBA was a great enhancement to what I’m learning in the classroom as a business administration student. I’m excited about the prospect of putting what I’ve learned into practice in the real world,” said Aaliyah McKeithan, Denmark Technical College Student Government Association president.

Last year, Denmark Tech and the SBA signed a Strategic Alliance Memorandum (SAM) to strengthen and expand small business development throughout the local area. In accordance with the SAM, Denmark Tech and the SBA have developed a working relationship through their common mission of helping to start, maintain and expand small business throughout DTC’s rural service area.  

The SBA will hold two more workshops in the fall on tax preparation and credit worthiness. They are expecting to expand their offerings to local business and prospective entrepreneurs in the tri-county service area.

“We are looking forward to future workshops that will be open to the community as a whole. We appreciate the focus the SBA is placing on serving rural communities and underrepresented populations,” said Todd.


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