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Office of Communications

An Open Letter From Dr. Hall, Denmark Technical College Interim President

Denmark Technical College is committed to the delivery of quality education at the postsecondary level. Our mission and commitment has not changed in spite of recent reports regarding the future of the College. To date, the State of South Carolina has not issued any decision or authority to close Denmark Technical College. Therefore, the faculty, staff and administration of the College continue to work daily to support the academic achievement and personal success of our students.

As the College moves forward, applications are being accepted for both summer and fall semesters. Transient students are invited to complete classes for credit transfer to their home institution online, on the main or either of the satellite campuses. The DTC High School Initiative begins on June 24, 2019, allowing high school students to enroll and complete college-level courses to earn credit toward high school and college graduation with the approval of his/her principal. The College has expanded the availability of courses at the Allendale and Barnwell campuses for the summer terms.

Denmark Tech invites members of the Allendale, Barnwell, and Bamberg communities and beyond to enroll as students. The DTC Enrollment Management Team is on standby to assist new students with the enrollment process. Faculty advisors and academic counselors are available to assist current and future students with building class schedules; and our Financial Aid Officers will guide your application for aid to help cover the cost of enrollment.

Dr. Angelica Christie, Vice President for Academic Affairs & Students Services and I are available to answer questions regarding the state of the College. We are happy to share the most current information available. Please call us, or any member of our enrollment team at (803) 793-5176. We are happy to serve you.


Dr. Christopher J. Hall, Interim President

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