Picture of From the Desk of the President

From the Desk of the President

A Message from Dr. Todd


Read Dr. Todd’s message on the verdict in the George Floyd case from our April edition of Denmark Now below:

Dear Denmark Technical College Family,

Ordinarily, I use this space to share triumphs, good news and upcoming initiatives at DTC, but this month I feel it’s pertinent to focus on something bigger than the DTC community.

Last week, like many of you, I waited anxiously as the jury deliberated over the facts of the George Floyd murder trial and was able to breathe a small sigh of relief as former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of all charges in the heinous murder of George Floyd, a breath of relief George Floyd himself will never get to experience. While justice was served, it is of little consolation to the Floyd family, who will have to continue on without their loved one by their side.

While the verdict is a sign of encouragement, there is still much to be done. One guilty verdict after a long line of acquittals in similar cases, is only just a whisper that the tides of racial injustice are just barely beginning to turn. We all need to dig in to keep the momentum going so that, together, we can dismantle the institutionalized racism that has plagued this country from its inception.

“What can I do to help?,” you may be asking yourself. The answer? A lot, actually.

Vote. Vote. Vote. Cast your ballot at every single election. Choose leaders who champion the causes you know are important. Encourage people you know to do the same. Help them to register and get to the polls.

Hit them where it hurts. Use your finances to support businesses who support social justice. Know the stances of the businesses you shop with and cut out the ones who don’t support the things you stand for.

Donate. There are many great organizations working to affect change, but tight budgets and staffing challenges keep them from doing as much as they would like. Your donation increases their odds of making a significant impact.

Attend peaceful protests. Use your voice and your presence to call attention to issues that need reform. Call out racism. If you hear a slur, racist joke or unsavory comment, speak up. Don’t be afraid to say, “That’s racist,” then be ready to educate people as to why. If you come upon a racially charged situation, pull out your phone and hit record. Get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

Use your platform. Social media is the number one form of communication on our society. Instead of posting funny dog pics or memes, use your voice to call attention to the injustices in the world. Engage in civil discourse and use facts to educate others who don’t yet fully grasp the breadth of the disparities that exist. Be safe. Keeping yourself out of harm’s way is imperative to your ability to make a change, so never put yourself in a dangerous situation unnecessarily.

Never forget. We can’t move forward if we don’t know where we’ve been. Know your history. Remember those who are no longer with us. Say their names. #Walter #Trayvon #Tamir #Philando #Eric #Michael #Akai #Breonna #Alton #Sandra #George #Ahmaud #Daunte #Adam and so many more. #BlackLivesMatter.

I hope these ideas have given you a spark of an idea on how to get started. You are only limited by your own imagination. Here at Denmark Technical College, we will continue forging onward, fighting the good fight until there is truly liberty and justice for all.

Dr. Willie L. Todd, Jr.    President and CEO

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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