Veterans Affairs

Veterans Affairs

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As an institution within the South Carolina Technical and Comprehensive Education system, Denmark Technical College is committed to keeping the costs of attending the college to a minimum for students. Denmark Technical College believes that no one should be denied a college education because of a lack of funds. Denmark Technical College seeks to obtain financial aid for every student who needs it. 

Students who submit all FAFSA information by April 15 will receive priority in getting financial aid processed by the College.

Reach out today to learn how you can use your earned military assistance to build your future at no cost to you.

Contact Us

Email is the preferred method of communication. However, phone calls, and office visits are welcome.


F: (803)793-5156

Office Location

Denmark Technical College
1126 Solomon Blatt Blvd.
Denmark, SC 29042

In Person Visits

Building 27
Suites 112, 113 and 114


Enrollment Computer Lab Suite 116
Veterans Affairs Center Suite 103

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April Gyamfi-Geddis

Director of Financial Aid

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Fredricka Brown

Financial Aid Counselor

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Tanya Faust

Programs Coordinator I/ Administrative Assistant