Vaccination Policies

Vaccination Policies

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Immunization Requirements and Policy

There are required and recommended vaccinations for all students planning to live on campus. Students must complete mandatory immunizations before submitting the health form required for admission to the college or have a statement from the family physician as to why their immunizations have not been completed. Students who have not been vaccinated must provide proof of positive blood tests or physician’s diagnosis of the disease. Failure to comply with these requirements will prevent students from living in the residence halls.

Required Vaccinations

  • Two doses of MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella combined)
  • OR measles vaccine (two doses), mumps vaccine (one dose) and rubella vaccine (one dose).
  • Measles vaccines must have been given after Jan. 1, 1968 and after your first birthday. 
  • Mumps and rubella vaccines must have been given after Jan. 1, 1969 and after your first birthday.
  • Students born before Jan. 1, 1957 are exempt.
  • One dose of tetanus booster within the past 10 years
  • Skin test for tuberculosis. It’s highly recommended for those in high-risk categories:
    • Those who might have been exposed to someone with tuberculosis. International students from high-incidence areas including Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Central and South America, regardless of previous BCG vaccination.
    • Students with weakened immune systems from disease or medications. Students who are HIV positive.
    • Students who are intravenous drug users.

Recommended Vaccinations

  • Three doses of Hepatitis B vaccine
  • Meningococcal vaccine – one dose 
  • Varicella vaccine – two dose
  • Influenza vaccine (one dose given annually). This vaccine is particularly recommended for those students with chronic illnesses such as diabetes, a heart problem or asthma or with conditions that affect the immune system.
  • COVID-19 vaccine – one or two dose (depending on whether you get Moderna, Pfizer, Novavax, or Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen

Immunizations usually are available at local health departments. Most are free, though some may require a fee.

Important Deadline:

  • All immunization forms must be submitted by July 1 for Fall Attendance
  • All immunization forms must be submitted by December 1, for Spring Attendance
  • All immunization forms must be submitted by May 1, for Summer Attendance


In order to maintain a healthy and safe campus community, all DTC students are required to submit current immunization forms completed by a health care professional.  Students are not allowed to move into residence halls or attend classes without submission of the completed forms. The Deadline for all immunization forms is July 1.


Submit Forms

  1. Tetanus Diphtheria (Tdap or Td) booster within last ten (10) years. Must remain current throughout matriculation.
  2. MMR- two doses or a positive titer report. Vaccines must have been administered after first birthday. Students born before 1957 are considered immune and are not required to receive vaccination against Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
  3. Meningococcal vaccine – 2 doses (2nd dose must be given after age 16)
  4. Tuberculosis Testing-

PPD (Mantoux) within one (1) year of matriculation. Documentation of results is required as follows:

  1. Date of placement
  2. Site of placement
  3. Result documented in mminduration
  4. Provider reading results
  5. Date of reading completed on form

             Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) Quantiferon Gold/T-Spot are also acceptable.

  1. A chest x-ray is required for a previous positive PPD or new PPD with an induration of 10mm or greater (horizontal diameter). Result report must be provided
  2. A chest x-ray is required for students who previously received BCG
  3. Students must provide documentation for INH or other TB treatment. A chest x-ray required within six (6) months
  4. Clark Atlanta University strongly recommends the following vaccines:
  5. Influenza
  6. Varicella
  7. Hepatitis B


  1. A medical exemption shall be granted upon receipt of a written statement from a healthcare provider indicating the nature and duration of the medical condition which contraindicates the immunization, along with the specific vaccine identified as detrimental to the student’s health. Medical exemptions expire when the medical condition(s) contraindicating immunization change in a manner which permits immunization.
  2. Exemptions are granted on the grounds of pregnancy. An estimated date indicating end of confinement must be provided. Submission of immunization(s) is required once date of confinement ends.
  3. Religious exemptions are permitted when immunizations contradict the student’s religious belief.  However, a TB skin test is required, unless medically contraindicated.  Religious exemptions require notary.
  4. In the event of an outbreak of any of the vaccine preventable diseases required by Denmark Technical College, students with exemptions will be required to leave campus immediately for their protection, until the outbreak has ended.